Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Immigrants - when you don't actually WANT your job.

Things have been very good recently. Domas and I got to take a break at the same time and talk. A bunch of new people moved in yesterday, so I'm stuck making all the furniture except bed for their new rooms. That's a lot of work. Everybody is complaining about a lack of chairs in the dining room, so that's my job too.

--Inod Idensat
2nd Timber, 251

Ha! Remember how Kivish was like "You're our broker," and I was like "...Okay?" Well some guy Îton Dùstikobok came here yesterday, and he's a merchant! I gave him a big hug, because now I don't have to do that job. All I need now is a mechanic to show up so I can devote all my time to gem setting like I'm used to.

--Iden Oslankifed
2nd Timber, 251

These last eight months have been great. We have a grand dining hall and nice bedrooms. The water doesn't taste that good when we have to drink it, though. Inod and I got to have a chat while we were taking a break together. In this most recent wave of new guys, there was some lady who says she's really good at farming. That's really great news for me because I don't have to do it any more, and I can devote all my time to brewing.

--Domas Sazirimush
2nd Timber, 251

My wife Zulban and son Tun and I arrived here just yesterday. I heard they were looking for a hunter. I myself am a dyer, but my dad and I used to hunt when I was a young dwarf, so I'm pretty competent with a crossbow. Apparently that's the most crossbow skill anyone in the whole fortress has, and there's not exactly a huge textile industry at the moment, so I figure I'd better make myself useful. It'll be like an adventure! A nice safe adventure... hehe...

--Urdim Nishtholest
2nd Timber, 251

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Timber! Also immigrants.

As I was finishing widening the fortress entrance, Deduk, our gem cutter and Craftsdwarf, reported to me that she had nowhere to do any crafting work. She seemed to be in a terribly good mood. Tomorrow I'll start digging out a room for the Craftsdwarf's workshop. We also have no meat in the fortress, so I will dig out another room for a Bowyer. Hopefully I can get someone to volunteer to hunt. The flies around here are something awful.

--Kivish Etascilob
22nd Sandstone, 251, 17:45

Dear Diar¤y,
Oh, I broke my pencil again. Anyway, I real¤/y like it here. I have a very nic¤. e cabinet in my room. The dining room loo¤= ks fantastic, there are some great tables in there. Right now, I don't ha¤\_ve a place to work. I asked Kivish if he could provide a room fo¤/r me. I¤`m going to sleep in my excellent litt¤/e room now because I'm almost out of pencils. Goodnight Diary!

--Deduk Lisidurdim
22nd Sandstone, 251

Seems we're getting a bit violent around here. I just got orders to make a crossbow and a bunch of cages for traps. I seen some guy running around with weird-lookin' mechanisms, and my friend Deduk says she's been told to make a bunch of arrows once she gets her new workshop. I s'pose it's either goblins or meat what we're after. Maybe there'll be some sloths out there. I love me a good sloth steak. In other news, eight new folks just showed up, so I gotta make 8 new beds to furnish the new rooms. Maybe they'll actually be able to sleep the night. My buddy Domas's room is right next to mine on one side, and his girlfriend Inod's is right on the other, so they sit in the hallway and talk all night right outside my door in the middle.

--Zulban Onshensarvesh
1st Timber, 251

Well, eight new dwarves showed up today. Three of them are children. I haven't the patience for the disorganized little ones. I'm glad I love my job, because on top of the new workshops, I have to carve out a multitude of bedrooms now. One of the new dwarves volunteered to be our hunter once we get him supplies.

--Kivish Etascilob
1st Timber, 251, 19:02