Saturday, September 10, 2011

Jungular Expedition

    There are four of us: my native friend, two silver-haired twins, and myself. I am the leader of our group, though the twins have point at the moment. After a couple miles, I take point and tell the twins to go to the east and west, while my other friend and I forge ahead northward. We go on a few more miles, and he decides that I am leading too slowly. He passes me on the right and disappears into the distance.
    The jungle, however, is a particularly bad place in which to be alone. As I wander by myself, I occasionally see someone out of the corner of my eye who looks like one of the twins. I know it is just the jungle playing tricks on my mind. There's a reason people say “it's a jungle out there;” the jungle is a dangerous place, one in which every move must be made carefully. I can only hope that my companions are still out there doing just that.


  1. 0.o Your workplace must be bigger on the inside than on the out...

  2. Is this about work, the LinuxFest or something else altogether? I would never have suspected that an ordinary, run-of-mill genius like you would be leading a life of such adventure.

  3. It is about neither work nor the LinuxFest.

    The jungle represents the highway, my companions three other Volkswagens I happened to be driving next to. The twins got off 71 North at 270 East and West respectively. Etc... :D

  4. I think that's so cute, referring to other bugs as companions. I want a VW Beetle too!!!

  5. I LOVE your picture!!! It's so cute!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thanks! Susie made it for me! ^_^

    (Previous comment deleted due to really dumb typo. :P)
